Our proven, proprietary tools help you create a plan for profitability tailored to your company.

What you will gain from our program:

Understand Pricing of Services and Time

Budget for Profitability & Cash Flow

Coaching 911 for Urgent Problem-Solving

Easy 1-2-3 Inventory Management

Revenue Goals with a Blueprint Map

Guidance and Training to Create Your Own Employee Training Program

Building a Successful Sales System to Increase Retail Sales

Project Finances with Forecasting Tools

Core Company Values Your Team Will Live by

Gain Outside Perspective and Insights

Understand Pricing of Services & Times

Build Marketing Plan for Gaining & Retaining Clients

Aid & Assist in Building Company Handbook
We have packages that allow you to
work on your business
not in your business.
We will help you build a profitable company!
Our Packages

Package 1
- Weekly calls to help enhance your company
- 2 sheets built and customized for your business
- e-mail access at all times
- Coach 911 calls allow you up to 2 calls each month to help you resolve a problem within 24 hours.
- Liaison between accountant and owner to organize financial statements
- Concierge service updating your cash flow monthly & forecasting at a low additional fee.

Package 2
- 2 monthly calls to help enhance your company
- 1 sheet built and customized for your business
- e-mail access at all times

Package 3
Must complete a minimum of 8 months of coaching to qualify for this maintenance program
- 1 monthly call to help enhance your company
- Monitor your sheets and make recommendations
- e-mail access at all times
What to expect from a 3-6 month membership
Will Guide you IN:
- Front Desk Training
- Build a customer focused program to train those who book customers and make appointments.
- Virtual training with anyone once the program is built
- Understand your finances and forecasting for your company
- Employee growth plan
- Growth with retail sales
- How to build a team that lives your company core values
- Leadership training for managers & leaders
- Aid & assist you in building your own training program for stylists.
- Increase retail sales and add a profitable store to your business.
- Marketing strategies
Connect Today!
Shelly Malizola

Our beauty Cloud boxes
are more than just
a collection of products
Experience professional grade facial products that aren’t available outside the spa room, a personal, one-on-one consultation with a beauty trainer, and extra goodies in the box!